The Hidden Faces of PTSD: From Trauma to Quiescence
Lorraine Gahles-Kildow, PhD and Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH RSHom(NA)
Format: Video of Slides
The Hidden Faces of PTSD are everywhere and the etiologies are common place such as post-partum, ICU PTSD, vicarious traumatization of practitioners and PTSD on receiving a critical diagnosis.
The failure to recognize the symptoms and appropriate non-conventional, integrative interventions has led to rampant anxiety/depression disorders, chronic pain syndromes, overdose of drugs leading to death, spiraling costs for chronic disease management and practitioner burnout.
In this session description of the etiologies, symptom recognition and interventions will be discussed. There will be an interactive, experiential component to demonstrate a sampling of interventions available for whole healing, body, mind, emotion, spirit.