Flavocoxid; A Medicinal Extract as a Dual Inhibitor of Cyclooxygenase and 5-Lipoxegenase to Reduce Inflammation and Pain
David Brady, ND, DC, CCN, DACBN
Format: Video of Slides
There is great concern in the medical community over the high use of NSAID and steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and narcotic pain relievers due to sometimes serious side-effects and dependency. There are natural agents that effectively modulate the same enzyme pathways as anti-inflammatory medications with lower side-effect profiles. One such extract with strong human outcome studies, flavocoxid will be presented with emphasis on its safety profile and balanced action across a multitude of inflammatory pathways.
Integrative medicine clinicians from various professional backgrounds and fields are encountering an ever-growing population of patients/clients suffering from acute and chronic pain conditions, many of those are inflammatory in nature, and include sports injuries, degenerative and inflammatory arthritis, autoimmune-related disorders, and many more. Many of these patients experience significant side-effects and may not even be aware of them until they cause a serious medical disorder. Many of these same subjects would be interested in evidence-based, effective natural agents which would reduce, and in many cases eliminate the associated side-effects. Integrative providers need to understand both the benefits and risks of standard interventions, as well as those of the evidence-based complementary approaches available. This presentation will review the current literature and present the specific clinical data on flavocoxid, a medicinal extract of Scutellaria bicalensis and Acacia catechu and its effectiveness on inflammation and pain.