Improved Liquid Integrity Testing of First Responder Ensembles
Grace Stull, International Personnel Protection, Inc. Jeffrey Stull, International Personnel Protection, Inc.
Format: Audio MP3 Download: $18
Audio Compact Disc: $23
Liquid integrity testing is used to evaluate first responder ensembles to demonstrate protection capabilities against liquid hazards for several NFPA PPE standards. Liquid hazards include scalding water, chemicals, blood/body fluids, contaminated water, and even ambient-temperature water (which affects the heat transfer characteristics of fire fighter turnout clothing). This session will present a new liquid integrity test that has been developed to replace a less-reliable test currently used by the industry. The new test, which is being proposed for inclusion in several NFPA standards, has been validated through a systematic approach involving fire service surveys, field evaluations, detailed research for investigating how first responders are exposed to liquids, and interlaboratory testing.