Fire Modeling to Support Fireground Tactics Related to Flow Paths and Ventilation
Frederick Mowrer, Cal Poly
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Audio Compact Disc: $23
UL and NIST have recently conducted more than 100 large-scale experiments to examine changes in the fire environment over time, the impact of ventilating ventilation-limited fires, and the implications of flow paths and ventilation on the effectiveness and safety of different suppression tactics. To extend the application of these experimental studies, fire modeling is being used to evaluate the impact of additional factors, such as alternative flow paths and ventilation, on fire conditions and fireground tactics. To calibrate the fire modeling, the FDS fire model is being used to simulate some of the large-scale fire experiments that conducted at UL. The FDS model is then being used to evaluate the impact of other factors on the expected fire conditions, with the purpose of providing reliable information for fireground tactics, training, and decision-making.