New Code Requirements for Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE) and Occupant Evacuation Elevators (OEE)
Sagiv Weiss-Ishai, Northern California-Nevada Chapter of SFPE
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In high-rise buildings, elevators are extremely useful tools for firefighters to fight fires and rescue occupants. The main reason for developing the Fire Service Access Elevator (FSAE) was to provide firefighters with a safer and more efficient means to fight fires and rescue occupants in the upper floors of high-rise buildings. The FSAE was first required by the 2009-IBC for high-rise buildings over 120 feet in height. Occupant Evacuation Elevators were also introduced first in the 2009-IBC as an exception to e required third exit stairway for buildings over 420 feet in height. The OEE are intended to be used by building occupants to evacuate the building during fire emergencies - In case of a fire: USE the elevator!. This class will discuss the specific code requirements for the FSAE and OEE including the IBC codes and NFPA standards.