NFPA 32: Cleaning Up the Dry Cleaning Standard
Stephen Langiulli, Ilsa Machines Corp Nancy Pearce, NFPA Stephen Dale, Cincinnati Insurance
Format: Audio MP3 - Download: $18
Video of Slides with Synchronized Audio - Download: $18
Audio Compact Disc: $23
The dry cleaning industry has evolved greatly over the past 20 years. Flammable solvents were replaced with non-flammable solvents, greatly changing the industry and hazards. However, more recent environmental concerns have moved the industry back toward the use of combustible liquids, while garment treating and solvent blends have taken on new importance. NFPA 32, Standard for Drycleaning Plants, is evolving to keep pace with the industry and become more user-friendly. This session will provide an overview of the industry's evolution and current trends and review current standard requirements. In addition, key proposed changes will be outlined.