Presenter: Alan Budenz, DDS, MS; Mel Hawkins, DDS
Format: Audio - MP3 File Download $25 or Compact Disc $45
This course will discuss the reasons for lack of effective anesthesia with emphasis on mandibular technique. The neuro-anatomy and histology of the pterygomandibular triangle will be reviewed to help enhance the understanding of the complexities of the conventional inferior alveolar block and its associated lingual and buccal nerve blocks. After a thorough assessment of the ?pros and cons? of the conventional inferior alveolar block, the Akinosi and Gow-Gates mandibular blocks will be visited and then amalgamated in a ?mixed? or hybrid approach. Multi-tasking supplementation with infiltration and advanced techniques combined with other ?tips and tricks? can result in a predictably higher success rate. In particular infiltration approaches to mandibular molars will be discussed. What is within our control? What is not? What can we do about it? What's new?