Format: Audio MP3 file download $16 - Compact Disc $20
Presenter: Eva Szigethy, MD; David Patterson, PhD, ABPH; Mark Jensen, PhD: Daniel Handel, MD; Olafur Palsson, PsyD
Hypnotic treatments have growing empirical support as being beneficial for a large number of psychological and medical conditions.
There remains, however, many aspects of hypnosis that have yet to be evaluated. This workshop will draw upon the existing literature
to define how clinicians can conceptualize research questions and design studies to test hypotheses regarding the efficacy and
mechanisms of hypnosis. The research covered will include studies on the neurobiological underpinnings of the hypnotic responding and
hypnotizability, as well as research evaluating the efficacy of hypnotic treatments. Specific focus will include the formulation of specific
hypotheses, operationalizing the definition of hypnosis, study design issues, and appropriate statistical approaches. The workshop will be
divided into two parts. In the first part, the presenters will provide a summary of the key issues that future hypnosis research should address
and discuss appropriate methods for addressing those issue. The second part will consist of a discussion among the expert panel and the
workshop participants of the key issues raised. The goal of the workshop is to facilitate an understanding of the scientific methods needed
to evaluate hypnosis among clinicians and clinical researchers who use and study hypnosis, in order to help the workshop participants (1)
better evaluate the research literature and (2) create or further develop their own research programs.