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Presenter: Michael S. McGee, MS
This session provides a framework in which Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) can be combined with hypnotherapy techniques to create powerful client change. The hypothesis being that as these two successful therapies are combined, we can assist our clients with maximum therapeutic effect. Reference research suggests that both methods are statistically effective when used alone. Person centered motivational enhancement techniques increase client-therapist rapport and improve the relationship. This leads to improved outcomes and enhanced community reputation.
This course describes the techniques in detail that have led to clinical success in combining these techniques.
During and at the conclusion of this session, the attendee will be able to:
-> Develop the knowledge and skills necessary to the integration of Motivational Enhancement Therapy with hypnosis for improved outcomes;
-> Use preliminary interviewing techniques for enhanced intrinsic motivation.
-> Utilize and integrate self motivation into hypnotic work; and
-> Use these motivational enhancement practices in their respective therapeutic activities and ` find improvement in client outcomes.