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Presenter: Jeffery Lazarus, MD
Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a complex neurobehavioral disorder characterized by multiple motor tics, as well as vocalizations, which wax and wane. Many people believe that the tics and vocalizations are involuntary. However, many patients are able to exercise some control over these behaviors. Self-hypnosis (SH) has been used successfully to treat tics in patients with TS. It can be used either as a primary therapeutic modality, without the use of medication, or as an adjunctive therapy in addition to medication. When used as an adjunct, medication can often be decreased or even discontinued. Video clips of several different patients with these disorders will be shown in order to demonstrate specific techniques that will further enhance the attendee’s skills. These techniques may also be applied to patients with habit disorders and with stereotypes. Dramatic improvement is usually seen after only two or three visits, plus, there are no side effects.
During and at the conclusion of this session, the attendee will be able to:
-> Describe an entire protocol of how to treat these conditions;
-> Describe how to encourage positive expectancy before even meeting the patient; and
-> Discuss, and practice the techniques described, including the use of metaphors to help treat these conditions.