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Comprehensive Pain Mangement
Philip R. Appel, PhD; Steven Gurgevich, PhD
Audio Sample:
In this workshop the presenters will present a comprehensive model for working with patients with persistent pain focusing on such topical areas as maintaining homeostasis, teaching self-regulation skills to deal with the sensory and affective components of the pain, threshold management, performance enhancement, as well as adapting to disability. The use of hypnotically mediated interventions in each of the aforementioned areas will be discussed and demonstrated. Matters pertaining to the injured worker and dealing with patients receiving worker's compensation will also be discussed. The workshop will be both didactic as well as experiential. Attendees will learn a philosophy of managing the patient with persistent pain based on an integration of key concepts from the literature as well as a variety of hypnotically mediated techniques dealing with pain, suffering and pain behavior. Emphasis on an integrative approach will be expounded as well. Attendees will also learn about managing the injured worker who has persistent pain and is receiving compensation for such.
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to…
- Describe three key elements of a holistic and integrative approach to managing the
patient with persistent pain;
- Describe at least two self-regulation techniques for sensory, affective, cognitive and
behavioral dimensions of the pain experience; and
- Describe three important concepts and factors that need to be addressed in dealing with
the workers' compensation patient with persistent pain.