From Novel to Script to Red-Carpet Premiere
Cathryn Michon and W. Bruce Cameron
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Are you ready to turn your book into a movie script? Is there a formula for translating your work visually to film? Writing (and real-life) partners Cathryn Michon and W. Bruce Cameron have successfully collaborated on four screenwriting projects. They will talk about their experiences adapting their novels for the big screen — and building a national audience using social media. They can help you build readership for your books and blogs through engaging and creative social media campaigns. As part of the workshop, they will share excerpts from their 2014 romantic comedy, Muffin Top: A Love Story. Ms. Michon, one of the film's stars and an advocate for putting more women in front of and behind Hollywood's cameras, raised more than $90,000 from a Kickstarter social media campaign to conduct a nationwide red carpet tour of the movie.