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Fleetwood On-Site can help you and your attendees maximize the value of your conference while providing profit to you. For over 40 years Fleetwood has provided professional recording and duplicating services for corporate, education, industry and associations throughout the United States. Our On-Site division specializes in bringing that service and experience to your conference.
Recording and selling your conference content or Live streaming from your conference is a partnership between you and Fleetwood. We are dedicated to providing you and your attendees with the best quality recordings in the conference industry. Our professional recording technicians can unobtrusively record the PowerPoint slides synchronized with the live audio or video of your conference sessions in digital format. The recordings are then edited to produce the highest quality webcast product. Our capture system requires NO interaction with presenters or their laptops. We do not require the PowerPoint file from your presenters. We capture everything onsite as it happens.
All presentations whether static or full motion animations, video clips or web demonstrations are accurately captured.
We guarantee a professional product that you will be proud of and that will educate and generate profit during and long after the conference has ended. Call on us for your conference audio needs and we will do the rest. Call us today at 1-800-353-1830 to discuss how we can help your next conference.
Click here to Contact us today for more details and a no obligation proposal!
Your Conference |
Fleetwood offers complete CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, USB Flash Drive production, packaging, and duplication services and live video streaming. From MP3 CD-ROMs featuring the complete audio archive of your conference with graphical interface, to more advanced visual presentations and PowerPoints from your presenters along with the live video all on one disc or on-demand online viewing. We can produce the conference recordings for your organization, tailored to your specific requirements. We will design a professional, complete, and state-of-the-art product for the convenience for your attendees. |
Give your attendees the entire conference. Now That is Value-Added! |
We think there is a better way to handle conference recording and sales. In the tape days there was only one way - Rush them, unedited, out to the sales table and hope for the best. In the digital age, technology has made it possible to give attendees a huge value for the price of one or two tapes in the olds days. Everybody can win here an there is no risk. We want to introduce our concept to you.
- Travel to your conference and digitally record all sessions.
- Produce a recordings package of the entire conference, including all slides captured with synchronized audio or video of the presenters.
- Duplicate, package and send a full conference package to every attendee within 2 weeks... on disc, flash drives, or online.
- Assume all production costs and travel expenses.
- Guarantee a royalty to your organization.
- This valuable deal is only available to attendees.
- No risky onsite sales, minimum guarantees and onsite expenses to you.
- We will make individual CDs, MP3 files, or MP4 video files available for post conference at regular prices, generating continued royalties.
- Opportunity for sponsors to directly reach every attendee.
- You agree to add a very small amount to registration depending on attendance.
- Ask your sponsor to fund it, we can add their message and branding to the packaging.
Our plans are flexible...
Contact us today for more details and a no obligation proposal!
Fleetwood Onsite... Your total answer in conference recording services for the 21st century. |