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AANN - American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
March 2009 AANN Annual Meeting
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9380 Complete Audio Compact Disc Package - All Sessions from March 2009 AANN Annual Meeting
9381 MP3 CD-ROM COMPLETE PACKAGE: all sessions as MP3 Files on CD-ROM
9382 Track Bundle - Endocrine
9383 Track Bundle - Epilepsy
9384 Track Bundle - Geriatric
9385 Track Bundle - Neuromuscular
9386 Track Bundle - Oncology
9387 Track Bundle - Pediatric
9388 Track Bundle - Potpourri
9389 Track Bundle - Professional Development
9390 Track Bundle - Spine
9391 Track Bundle - Stroke
9392 Track Bundle - Trauma
9393 002 Spinal Trauma: Today and Tomorrow
9394 004 Overcome Today’s Fear with Knowledge to Improve Our Care of Epilepsy Patients for Tomorrow
9395 005 Neurosurgical Patient Assessment Scales: Critique and Practice Integration
9396 006 Complex Case Studies in Stroke: The Use of Mild Hypothermia/ Normothermia to Minimize Brain
9397 Brain Tumor Research: State of the Science
9398 Stroke: It's Not Just an Old Person's Disease
9399 346 Alphabet Soup: SIADH, DI, and Cerebral Salt Wasting
9400 351 Cushing's or Addison's Disease - What are the Differences?
9401 325 Nursing Challenges of Caring for Patients with NORSE Syndrome
9402 330 What You See Is Not Always What You Get: Recognition and Management of Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus
9403 335 ICTAL SPECT: Timing and Time Again
9404 340 Amygdalohippocampectomy in the Treatment of Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
9405 305 What Could They Be Thinking? Occupational Therapists' Evaluations Can Help You Understand Your Dementia Patient's
9406 310 Go Granny Go! Outcomes Following Geriatric Neurotrauma
9407 315 Medication Adherence in Older Neuroscience Patients
9408 320 Postoperative Pain Management for the Elder Neurosurgical Patient
9409 350 Myasthenia Gravis: Diagnosis and Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse
9410 355 Critical Illness Polyneuropathy/Myopathy and Risk Avoidance and Early Patient Mobilization
9411 302 Magic Markers: The P's and Q's of Brain Tumor Pathology
9412 307 Gamma Knife, Cyberknife, and Linac: How They Treat Your Patient
9413 312 Neuro-Imaging of Brain Tumors - Novice to Expert
9414 317 Neurofibromatosis (NF)-It's What's Inside That Counts
9415 347 Common Brain Tumors: An Anatomical Based Case Study Approach
9416 352 Advances in Chemotherapy for Glioblastoma Multiforme
9417 304 Pediatric Epilepsy: "Seize the Moment"
9418 309 Neurological Consequences of Childhood Cancer: Coming Soon to a Clinic Near You
9419 314 Simulation as a Tool for the Development of a Pediatric Neuroscience Step Up Unit
9420 319 Inflicted head injury in children: responding from a place of compassion when values are shaken
9421 349 "What's Wrong With My Baby's Head?" - Assessment, Treatment and Outcomes for Craniosynostosis
9422 354 Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy in Children with Spacticity
9423 348 Legal Pitfalls for the Neuroscience Nurse: Recognize and Protect Yourself
9424 353 Anatomy of Aphasia
9425 324 What Do I Do Now? Innovative Use of Simulation To Enhance Neuroscience Education
9426 329 Is Your Novice Nurse a Millenial or a Baby Boomer? Strategies for Successful Mentoring Between the Generations
9426 329 Strategies for Successful Mentoring Between the Generations
9427 334 Investing in your units' future...How to decide when your orientee has failed
9428 339 The Technology of Tomorrow At The Bedside Today
9429 344 Education and Training of Movement Disorder Nurses in the United States
9430 321 Let It FLOW: Urinary Retention after Spinal Surgery
9431 326 Airway Emergencies Following Anterior Cervical Surgery
9432 331 Need a Little R & R ? Recognizing and Responding to Neurological Emergencies
9433 336 Pain in SCI- What Works, What Doesn't & Why
9434 341 Diaphragm Pacing in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
9434 341 Diaphragm Pacing in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
9435 308 Sometimes it’s the Zebra: Expecting the Unexpected in Stroke
9436 313 Cerebral Hyperperfusion Syndrome after Carotid Revascularization
9437 318 Sexuality after Stroke: Addressing the Often Unspoken Concerns
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