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Displaying 1 to 40 (of 40 products) Click titles for product details Pages:  1 
 Product Name+   Price    
17960 - Complete 2012 ASCH Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops Audio MP3 CD-ROM Set 
17961 - Plenary I - Tranceformation: Hypnosis in Brain and Body 
17962 - How and Why Does "Past Life Therapy" Work ? 
17963 - Integrating Hypnosis into the Treatment of Chronic Daily Headache and Temporomandibular Disorder (TMJ) 
17964 - When Mind Meets Brain: Neuroscience Lessons for Enhancing Clinical Practice 
17965 - Advanced Techniques in Medical & Psychological Hypnosis 
17966 - Advances in Dental Hypnosis for Dentists and Psychology Professionals 
17967 - Treating the Person with Dis-Ease 
17968 - An Integrated Approach to Treating Panic Disorder 
17969 - Hypnotic Verbalizations to Facilitate Change in Men and Women: Getting Unstuck to Move Towards Health 
17972 - Plenary II - From Nociception to Zen Meditation: The Experiential Neurophenomenology of Pain Regulation 
17973 - Hypnosis for Skin Procedures and Disorders 
17974 - Mindfulness-Based Hypnotherapy to Enhance Outcome 
17975 - The Traumatized Body: Using the Symptoms to Develop the Solutions 
17976 - How Post Hypnotic Suggestion Maintains the World of Osteoarthritis 
17977 - The Meta-Structure of Clinical Hypnosis: Ancient Philosophy and Meditative States, to Quantum Consciousness Meanings 
17978 - Beyond the Basics: Creative Approaches in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 
17979 - Hypnotic Deepening: Navigating Rhythms of the Body-Mind 
17980 - Master Class: Ideomotor Signals 
17981 - The Integration of Hypnosis into the Total Care and Treatment of Cancer Patients 
17982 - Reversing Rogue Trances: The Dehypnosis of the Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, and Befuddled 
17983 - Precision Cognitive Therapy: integrating neuroscience, hypnosis and deep structure cognitive/behavioral therapy 
17984 - Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis Training for Enhancing Peak Performance in Sports and Life 
17985 - Trance & Trauma: Hypnotic Interventions in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 
17986 - Tailoring Hypnotic Interventions to Your Client's Hypnotic Talents 
17987 - The Healthy House - A Novel Pediatric Obesity Prevention and Treatment Program 
17988 - Recent Findings for Understanding Hypnotic Analgesia and Increasing Hypnosis Funding and Clinical Outcome Research 
17989 - Report From CAPS @ RIT: Transforming Health and Care 
17990 - Integrating Perspective from The Cognitive Neurosciences To Enhance The Clinical Practice Of Hypnosis 
17991 - Using Hypnosis or Biofeedback to Treat Chronic Low Back Pain 
17992 - Standardized Clinical Hypnosis Treatment: When, why and how to develop and use scripted treatment protocols 
17993 - Hypnosis for Weight Loss & Lasting Success: The Patient's Experience of Avoiding the "Adipose Complex" 
17995 - Future Focused Therapy 
17996 - Master Class: Pain Management 
17997 - Plenary III - An Integrated Approach to Irritable Bowel Syndrome 
17998 - Plenary IV - Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: Clinical Guideline and Updates 
17999 - Designing Hypnotherapy Studies on the Brain-Body Interface: IBS as Model Illness 
18000 - Master Class: Alert Hypnosis 
18001 - Metaphorical Approaches for Changing Habits 
18002 - The Language of Comfort: Hypnotic Strategies in Palliative Care 
Displaying 1 to 40 (of 40 products) Pages:  1 

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